Abundant Wellness
How Martial Arts and Dancing Can Massively Impact Health
Robert Inesta
1/20/20256 min read

Martial arts and dancing are two dynamic forms of physical expression and exercise that not only provide enjoyment but also offer substantial health benefits that have been demonstrated in scientific research. In this article, we’ll explore the physiological and psychological effects associated with these activities.
Physical activity is a cornerstone of overall health. Movement is life and incorporating diverse forms of exercise is essential for physical and mental well-being at all ages. I chose martial arts and dancing to highlight because my goal is to help you improve your health, and there’s tremendous value in the dynamic, purposeful and fun nature of both these activities, making them more desirable to include in a busy life. Basically, you get a lot of bang for your buck with these.
While dance is often thought of as fun and free flowing and martial arts are often considered more serious, rigorous and combat-oriented, there are definitely exceptions and a wide rage of intensity in both. Some martial arts training can more playful, relaxing and meditative, and dance training at the higher levels can be extremely rigorous and challenging. There's a vast variety of different styles of both, and it’s the individual's intention that will determine the intensity of the activity or training.
Martial arts, which encompasses various combat practices like Jiu-Jitsu, kickboxing, Judo, Tai Chi, Karate, Taekwondo, Aikido and Kung Fu, emphasize self discipline, healthy mindset, dynamic movement, and self-defense/combat skills. A practitioner can train recreationally or simply for the health and social benefits. This training is not as aggressive and often does not involve combative contact. On the contrary, one can train to compete or for practical combat application, which is more intense and demanding.
Dancing, on the other hand, can be free movement to any kind of music or beat. It can also include actual styles such as swing, jazz, hustle, ballet, ballroom, mambo, and hip-hop. It promotes creativity, self-expression, and emotional release. It can be purely recreational, free and fun, or can involve formal and intense competitive training.
The Afro-Brazilian practice known as Capoeira beautifully combines both dancing, music and martial arts combat skills all together.
Both activities promote fitness, coordination, brain health, social interaction and have tremendous health advantages.
Here are some of the physical impacts of both martial arts and dancing.
Cardiovascular Health
Regular participation in martial arts and dancing can significantly improve cardiovascular health. A study found that engaging in martial arts leads to enhanced heart health, with practitioners demonstrating increased aerobic capacity and improved heart rate variability.
Dancing has similar benefits. Research indicated that dance activities can elevate heart rate and improve circulation, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Strength, Flexibility and Coordination
Martial arts training often includes strength-building exercises, which help practitioners develop muscle tone and endurance. A study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine highlighted significant improvements in muscle strength and flexibility among martial artists.
Likewise, dancing and martial arts both promote flexibility through various movements that extend and challenge the body's range of motion. Dance styles such as ballet significantly enhance flexibility. But simply moving through different ranges of motion helps lubricate joints and maintain mobility.
Both dancing and martial arts improve neuromuscular coordination, enhancing signaling between the brain, nerves and muscles. This is important as we age and can reduce the risk of falls and other injuries. It’s also empowering to feel like you have full control of your body movements. For example, it feels great being able to get up from the floor easily, transition to different positions easily, and catch yourself if you stumble or trip. This is important to maintain health independence as we age.
Weight Management
Both martial arts and dancing can help improve metabolism and play a role in healthy weight loss and weight management. An intense martial arts session can burn a considerable number of calories and induce a great sweat.
I personally shed 20 excess pounds within months after starting to train in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Of course the intensity and consistency of training makes a difference with this.
Similarly, dance is a great way to burn calories effectively. A study found that a one-hour Zumba class could result in calorie expenditure comparable to that of running for the same duration. Again, consistency and intensity play a big role.
In addition to the physical benefits, here are some powerful mental health benefits as well.
Stress Reduction
Physical activities, including martial arts and dancing, play a huge role in reducing stress. Exercise causes the release of endorphins, the body's natural mood lifting chemicals, which can alleviate anxiety and depression. A review in the Journal of Psychiatric Research showed that individuals participating in martial arts experienced significant reductions in stress levels. A good training session also can give a sense of accomplishment, stimulating the release of dopamine, a reward-based neurotransmitter associated with improving mood and motivation.
Many styles of martial arts, such as tai chi and karate, emphasize breathing techniques and striving for internal harmony and balance. There is a myriad of benefits in all aspects of health attributed to focused breath work.
The more rigorous forms of training that expose the practitioner to higher levels of controlled stress also have a positive impact on overall stress reduction. It conditions you to maintain control and composure during situations of acute stress and discomfort. This is highly valuable and applicable to different aspects of life.
Similarly, dancing has been associated with lower levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, improving emotional well-being. When you're having fun, it’s hard to be stressed. Even if you’re going through a stressful time in life, doing things that bring joy, keep you present in the moment and smiling act as powerful medicine that can help you get though it.
Improved Cognitive Function
Research published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology indicates that martial arts training can enhance cognitive function in older adults.
Martial arts training demands concentration, strategic thinking, and quick decision-making, which stimulate brain functions such as cognitive processing. I think of Jiu-Jitsu sparring as a three dimensional, moving puzzle in which your brain is constantly problem-solving in the moment. This can be under a controlled stress load, which adds another layer to work through.
Martial arts that use forms or katas, such as Tai Chi, Kung Fu and Karate, are also great for cognitive function. The forms are a sequence of techniques, positions and movements performed in a certain order. This is great for training memory and neuromuscular coordination.
Dancing's combination of social interaction, rhythm, and complex movement contributes to cognitive health. Dancing has been shown to improve neuroplasticity, the brains ability to adapt, and cognitive resilience, the the ability to maintain cognitive function as we age. A study found that older adults who engaged in regular dance activities demonstrated a lower risk of developing dementia compared to their sedentary counterparts.
More formal dancing, which has specific steps and patterns are similar in a way to martial arts katas/forms in that they train memory and coordination.
Increased Self-Esteem and Confidence
A study published in Psychology of Sport and Exercise found that martial arts practitioners exhibited enhanced self-esteem compared to non-practitioners. Martial arts training often emphasizes goal-setting, discipline, and overcoming challenges and uncomfortable situations, which leads to improved self-esteem and confidence. Feeling more in control of our bodies will naturally give more of a sense of confidence in movement and even in life.
Martial arts also has the distinct benefit of learning self-defense skills. This, in combination with the improved ability to deal with stress, can be a huge factor in confidence and healthy self-image which can carry over to all aspects of life.
Research has shown that dance participation correlates with improved self-image and confidence. Dancing boosts body confidence as individuals learn to express themselves through movement. And again, with improved coordination and a sense of control over your body comes better self esteem and confidence.
Community and Social Interaction
Both martial arts and dancing often promote a sense of community and social engagement. Participating in group classes or clubs provides opportunities for socializing, counteracting feelings of loneliness and promoting a sense of belonging. Group physical activities are associated with higher life satisfaction and mental well-being.
Sense of community has been shown in multiple studies to be a major factor in longevity and quality of life. Anything that will promote social interaction and community, especially with all the above benefits, is a win-win situation.
In Conclusion
So to conclude, both martial arts and dancing provide a source of dynamic movement, physical and mental challenge, fun and community, in varying ratios depending on intention, of course. That’s a massive bundle of amazing health benefits!
Dancing is pretty easy to implement - you can start right now! Just turn on some good music, start moving and get lost in the moment. No training required! Of course to learn more formally, find a good instructor who can properly teach you. But anyone can dance. Just let yourself go.
Martial arts, on the other hand, does require training and instruction. It's important to find a reputable academy with qualified, experienced instructors who can teach you safely and effectively. Discuss your goals, whether they be getting healthy, self defense, competition, etc. with the instructor(s) to see if the martial art style and academy is a good fit.
And as with anything, improving health is a process. Think of it as an ongoing journey as opposed to an event. Yes, there are benefits from one session. But to truly reap the rewards and create long lasting positive changes, commitment and consistency are the key. Create the space in your life for activities that will help better you. You are a worthy cause so get started and keep going!
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