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Chiropractic Adjustments

The purpose of chiropractic adjustments is to restore mobility to restricted joints, improving movement, muscle activity and nerve function.

Joints allow movement between two bones. They are held together by a ligamentous capsule which contains fluid in which gasses are dissolved. Muscles and fascia, powered and governed by the nervous system, create the movements of the joints.

The joints and fascia also contain many nerve receptors which provide information to the spinal cord and brain about position and movement.

It’s important for joints to be able to move through their normal ranges of motion. If a joint becomes tight or restricted, the neurological receptors will begin to send faulty information to the spinal cord and brain leading to mechanical imbalances and eventually pain.

Tight muscles and fascia and dysfunctional nerves can cause joint restriction, and joint restriction can cause tight muscles and fascia and nerve dysfunction. in order for the body to function optimally, movement must be optimal.

Chiropractic adjustments to joints should be performed with as little force as is required. It is a controlled procedure that can be performed on nearly every injured joint in the body in various ways.

Adjusting procedures range from very gentle, non-force mobilizations to more intense adjustments in which audible sounds are heard. Not all adjusting techniques are appropriate for all patients or conditions, and there are many different styles of chiropractic adjusting. Proper assessment is always important to determine what will work best for the individual.

Chiropractic adjustments create more space in the joint, restoring normal motion and allowing the nerve receptors to send more accurate information to the spinal cord and brain. This movement can also block pain and reduce muscle spasm.

When performed by an expert, adjusting is safe and effective. Dr. Inesta is able to recognize patients who should not receive traditional adjustments. He provides different types of adjustments for different individuals based on their needs and comfort level.