Pain Relief Solutions

Integrative chiropractic, soft tissue therapy and acupuncture services in Berkshire County, MA to help you overcome pain, injuries, and stress effectively.

Our Services Overview

The most effective, natural, hands-on techniques, based on modern and ancient science, are combined in order to provide a comprehensive approach to the problem and empower you to heal.

Muscle Manipulation

The soft tissues are the muscles and connective tissues (fascia, tendons, ligaments). The muscles move and stabilize the joints of the skeleton. Tendons connect the muscles to bones so that they can perform this task. The ligaments connect bone to bone holding the joints together.

The fascia wraps all the muscles, bones, blood vessels and organs, houses the nervous system, connecting all parts of the body, distributing forces and transferring energy throughout. It is considered an organ system in and of itself and interacts with other tissues. Its role is essential for all aspects of health.

Why Focus on Soft Tissues?


Soft tissue dysfunction can occur as a result of trauma (old or recent), repetitive stress, inactivity/underuse, degenerative changes or inflammatory conditions.

When a trauma, whether big or small, has occurred and tissues have been damaged, the fascia will become distorted. The ability of the fascial layers to move or slide over each other becomes reduced and tension is created. This can affect the function of the surrounding muscles and nerves, restricting movement, altering communication and eventually causing pain.

This effect can transmit to distant areas of the body causing unnatural tension patterns and movement problems. It can be subtle and go unnoticed for a long time before symptoms such as pain begin to appear.

The goal is to help you get better and get back to doing what you love to do as efficiently as possible.

Treatments are designed to:

  • Regulate the nervous system

  • Release tension from the fascia and muscles

  • Improve joint function

  • Restore healthy movement patterns

  • Improve microcirculation (blood flow to the cells)

  • Improve lymphatic drainage

  • Recondition neurological pain patterns

  • Restore harmony and balance

  • Empower patients to take control of their health

Prior to treatment, a thorough consultation and orthopedic, neurological and biomechanical examination is essential in order to determine the best course of care.

Often the root cause of the problem is different from the site of pain.

For example, a common cause of lower back pain is restriction in the soft tissues of the hip. If the causal pattern is not found and the hip is not addressed appropriately, the patient will continue to suffer no matter how much the lower back is treated.

Also, every individual is unique, and so all treatment plans are based on specific individual needs determined during the evaluation.

YOU ARE THE SOLUTION. You are the actual healer! Your body is capable of miraculous things beyond comprehension.

The role of the doctor is to teach you how to optimize your health so you can thrive, and how to avoid roadblocks and help you remove obstructions that are restricting the body’s ability to perform basic functions, thereby restricting it’s ability to repair.

Treatment Options

Purpose of Treatments

Photo by Dr. Robert Schleip

"As an athlete and competitor Dr. Inesta has gotten me race ready for 5Ks to ultra marathons, triathlons, Spartans, GORUCKS and aided all my training along the way treating flare ups ( hip, back ) or problems with my gait. I HIGHLY recommend him. Dr. Inesta’s knowledge is top of the industry and his ability to combine multiple techniques makes him unique. My family and friends now benefit from Dr. Inesta's visits too!!!"

Christina Collins

Renee Diamond


"After 30 years in the fitness business, thank goodness for Dr. Inesta who gets me back on track, educates me and gives me good solid care. I am amazed at the time he takes in each appointment and am reassured that he is listening to me and taking the right steps. No matter how broken I feel walking in, I always experience an upgrade in well being upon leaving. Sometimes, he is a miracle worker and most times, an incredibly great doctor."